Videos are an awesome way to engage with your audience. There are many car videos today but the best ones are always EXCITING, INFORMATIVE, SHORT, and packed full of ENERGY! - And that's exactly what we're looking for!
The below guidelines detail the information we’d like to see included in the final product video. While this may seem specific, we’d like to leave the execution and finer details to your creativity!
<Required items>
- Long video(1-5min,1920x1080pixels, MP4, Mpeg, or Avi)
- Short vertical video(up to 1min, 1080x1920pixels, MP4, Mpeg, or Avi)
- 5 photos of the vehicle (please see the photo tips)
<Logo Requirements>
- Most up-to-date Tomei logos must be used.
- Please download the logos from here.
- Please do not alter the logo and its ratio.
<Music & BGM>
- Ensure that you have obtained the necessary permissions from the copyright owner.
- Avoid using music on or over scenes highlighting the exhaust sound.
- Please do not mention that we have a video sponsorship program.
<Example Videos>
- J.D. Customs U.S.A. - BCNR33 GTR TOMEI Expreme-Ti Full Titanium Muffler
- I.L. Motorsport Germany - Mazda Miata ND - TOMEI Full Titanium Muffler
- Vivid Racing - Wide Body FD3S RX7-TOMEI Expreme Ti (Short)
- Z1 Motorsport - Tomei Expreme Ti Full Exhaust for 370Z
- AE86 Fight Club - AE86 Corolla Levin TOMEI Expreme Ti Type-R Full Titanium Muffler
Your videos will be posted on Tomei USA and RSE(Real Speed Engineering/Tomei USA's sister brand)'s websites and social media pages.
<Submission Period>
- Video must be submitted within 1 month from the purchase date.
- Please email us a copy of the invoice.
<Video submission>
Please submit the videos & photos through Dropbox before uploading the video to your channels.
<Scene requirements>
Scene 1: Opening
Scene 2: Your logo (If any)
Scene 3: Tomei main logo
Scene 4: Expreme Ti logo
Scene 5: Box opening
Scene 6: Product description-Please mention the weight/diameter comparison, quality/aesthetics of the welding, included parts etc.
Scene 7: "Before" exterior
Scene 8: Old parts removal
Scene 9: Installation - Please show the clearances for the various components.
Scene 10: Installed product - Underside, close-up & wider shot of the rear end etc.
Scene 11: Start engine
Scene 12: Exhaust sound as you rev the engine
Scene 13: Driving (Exterior) in city, circuit, etc.
Scene 14: Driving (Interior)-Be sure to rev the engine and show the tachometer reacting to the revs in a safe environment. The reaction of the driver or passenger will leave a great impression, too!
Scene 15: Ending
Scene 16: Tomei main logo
Scene 17: Your logo
Have fun creating a video, and we look forward to seeing your video!